Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tips to write Professional CV or Resume


This night the sky so beautiful with the stars shinning..
And I would share some tips to write resume which i took from this web..

When applying for a job or career in a well-established company, you can rest assure that your CV will be one of many that recruiters or company will have to go through. To create a positive impression of your CV, it is extremely important that it is structured clearly, with your best selling points presented in a logical manner and the most relevant information readily identifiable.

There are many ways to write and present your CV professionally, and I believe that there is no right or wrong way. However, please allow me to share with you, how should you structure your CV so that it will increase your chances of going through the next round of recruitment.

Short Description
I like a CV that started with a short description of the candidate. A summary of the incumbent's professional or career life. Good CV's are logical, clear, concise and simple with sentences including short, to the point key words and statements. It is best to leave out words, such as, 'and' and 'I' as much as you can and make each sentence as meaningful as possible. An effective CV needs to focus the readers' attention on the criteria that they are looking for, highlighting important information that can be accessed and interpreted easily. Try to match yourself with the criteria they are looking for.

Sample :
International marketing manager with proven experience in portfolio strategy, brand building, new product development, packaging, advertising, promotion and media. Strong analytical thinking, strategic orientation, communication, influence and leadership skills with high achievement orientation. Practical experience also includes extensive exposure to market research, trade marketing, pricing, sales and distribution aimed at achieving sustainable competitive advantage for long term business growth. Fluent in English and Indonesian.

Contents :
- Professional CV should have the followings as the content.
- Personal Detail : Name, Date of Birth, Contact Details, Nationality - Work Permit if relevant.
- Education and Qualifications : The full title of your degree and university and any significant exam results. High School is relevant as well, but not a necessity.
- Work Experience : List the companies that you have worked for, the dates that you worked at them and a brief description of your role. It is important that they are relevant and detailed in short, bullet-pointed statements. Make clear what your individual contribution was using positive language and include your responsibilities and achievements. Back everything up with quantifiable facts, such as size of budgets and results achieved, to make your skills tangible.
- Achievements : Think carefully about which examples you include in this section, as employers may deduce a lot from your choice about your motivations and what you regard as important. Employers are only interested in your most recent achievements.
- Extra-Curricural Activities : This section on hobbies and interests should be kept short and include information, such as, membership of and positions of responsibility in sports teams, drama societies etc. Any information should have a purpose, showing skills relevant to the role you are applying for and saying something of interest about yourself.
- References : Unless requested, references need not be given at the initial application stage and a simple "references available on request" should suffice. Employers will ask for references if and when they need them.

Your resume is your most important document when job seeking. The purpose of a resume is not only to showcase all of your credentials and achievements, but also to pass the first step in the job search – getting an interview. Human Resources gets maybe hundreds or even thousands of applications for positions, and it is very important that your resume stand out above the rest.

Here are some key tips in crafting a good resume:
1. Focusing on the Employer’s needs
When applying to a job, you need to know what the employer wants, and tailor your resume to fit this. For example if a job ad wants sales experience, point out on your resume what kind of prior sales work you have done. By specifically focusing on some of the key requirements of the employer, your resume can look much more attractive – connect what you have done to what the employer is looking for

2. Show what you bring to the workplace
Your resume should highlight what value you will add to the business. Why should they hire you over all other applicants? It could be anything from your innovative ideas to your ability to lead a developing company. Identify your key achievements in your resume, and any other proficiency that you think will be useful to the company. Employers want to hire employees that will contribute value to the business and give them an edge over the competition.

3. Work Experience
Work experience should take up the largest part of your resume. Each experience should be listed with date and title, and short bullet points describing the nature of your work. You should tailor this depending on the job you are applying for, focusing on some of your key tasks which were similar in your previous work with the job description.

4.Use a summary section
Not many candidates include a summary section at the top of their resume – you should. A summary allows you to quickly list all of the biggest achievements that you want your prospective employer to see, as well as showing them your career objectives and goals. Often Human Resources will not read the whole resume, but will skim over quickly to see if the candidate has required proficiencies – a summary will let them very quickly view your key accomplishments.

5. Chronological Order
Structure your resume chronologically – this means that everything should be in order of latest first. For example, the education section should list (where applicable) your Masters Degree, your Bachelors Degree, your High school, etc., in downward order. This applies for work experience and other key achievements as well. Also, these points should all be short and bullet pointed – try not to use long paragraphs in your resume

6. Concentrate on making it only one page
Some candidates like to use very long resumes over 3-4 pages – this is not advised unless you are a senior candidate. As a fresh graduate, your resume should be direct and concise, and with a length of no more than one page. Make sure it is uniform and consistent in font size, margins, and other layout. It should be visually appealing without the use of graphics or pictures – think of it as a formal advertisement.

7. Focus on Strengths, Downplay Weaknesses
Your entire resume should be aimed at making you look good. Emphasize what you do well, and downplay or don’t mention your weaknesses. For example, if you set up a high school debate team that wasn’t very successful, mention your proactive efforts at establishing an organization, but don’t mention that it didn’t win any major competitions.

So, what about your CV now? ;)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What a short.. honeymoon?

a 5th wedversarry gift from him..
Yippiee.. It's been my 1st time boarded a plane to Bali.. with him. 1st time in my life. Happy!
What a surprise.. although just for one night but it will be an unforgettable gift i ever got.. Thankyou Honey :*

You can take my heart for a walk on the beach

You can take my heart for a little trip

You can take my heart very close to your heart

You can take my heart forever if you like

But not every heart belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be
I'm the one for you, You're the one for me
You love me as much as I do
When you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you so
Please come in
And you love me more and more
And my love grows up with you
And you kiss me more and more
And I kiss you, too
And I kiss you, too

If I take your heart, I will cherish it every day
If I take your heart, I will heal these old wounds
If I take your heart, it's to make it happy
If I take your heart, it's forever close to mine

But not every heart belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be
I'm the one for you, You're the one for me
You love me as much as I do
When you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you so
Please come in
And you love me more and more
And my love grows up with you
And you kiss me more and more
And I kiss you, too
And I kiss you, too

I don't care, I don't care
If I'm again carried away
If you swear, if you swear
To give me your heart in return
To give me your heart in return

I don't care, I don't care
If I'm again carried away
If you swear, if you swear
To give me your heart in return
To give me your heart in return

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bag of Bones Movie

Jakarta was a rainy and i choose the Bag of Bones movie to keep me in my bedroom yesterday. Unfortunately i didn't knew that this movie from the best seller's book :( Ohhh pleaseee bring me the bookkk!

The beginning of this movie was making me quite curious.. then suddenly boring. Duration of this movie is around 2 hours 39 minutes (long enough) and If you don't read the synopsis firstly, you will definitely stop to watching this moviee.. because the climax of the movie there at the beginning and ending of story. but if you have finished watching it, believe me you will want to repeat this movie again. xoxo

This movie tells of an incident after a strange incident that apperently It's called Curse.. from Sara Tidwell. Mike Noonan, a narrator suffers severe writer's block after his pregnant wife Jo dies of a brain aneurism from the bus accident. Four years after Jo's death. Mike begins to experience nightmares set at his summer house in 1990, an unregistered township in Maine. He decides to Confront his fears and moves to the house. known to locals as Sara Laughs. Mike finds kyra, a young girl, walking down the road on her own. He rescues her from a near accident and brings her back to her mother, 20-years-old Mattie Devore. Mike learns from his caretaker Bill that Mattie's father-in-law is max Devore, an eldery rich man who will do anything to gain custody of his granddaughter, Kyra. Kyra's father, Lance has died. Max learns of Mike and threatens him over the situation. Mike has complex dreams about Sara Tidwell, Mattie and Jo..

I'll give rate 3 of 5..
Happy watching ^___^

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year. New Job. New Face-Blog

Happyyyy New Yearrrr 2012.. Yuhuuu..
Udah lewat 2 minggu ya Happy New Year nya?Hihii.. Anyway kenalan dulu yuk sama Face-Blog gue yang baru, agak garang gak sih background ceweknya yang sambil teriak ituuu.. plus foto header yang bagian tengah atas.. itu gak maksud lhooo, Gapapa deh ya sekali kali rada ngerock ;p hihii..

Oke, udah tahun 2012 nih syif.. Bikin Resolusi yuk, biar hidup ada targetnya tahun ini mesti ngapain... Oke, mulaii...

1. Bikin Passport!
2. Khatam Al-Quran
3. Buka Tabungan Umroh
4. Saving Saving Saving..!
5. Kursus TOEFL
6. Cari Kampus.. Inget 2013 udah harus mulai kuliah lagi!
7. Make THE CHIQUECHIC as a Supplier for Import Clothes & Accesories
8. Tetap semangat dengan Oriflame & Sophie Martin
9. Jaga Kesehatan. Minum Vitamin. Jangan telat makan!
10. Manage my own business so well
11. Be a Smart Worker for Diebold Indonesia. Keep improve yourself syif..!
12. OLAHRAGA. Berenang 2 minggu sekali syifaaaaaaaaaa :D
13. Apalagi yaaaa..? Hmm.. nanti diterusin lagi deh kalo pas inget. Hehee..
14. Having a baby :')

Anyway BTW, kemaren iseng2 liat buku agenda 2012 baru punya temen, eh ada zodiaknya.. terbacalah sama gue si zodiak LEO ituuu.. dan katanya tahun 2012 ini adalah tahun keberuntungan untuk wanita LEO dalam hal Karir, Keuangan & Kehidupannya. Percaya ga percaya, tapi dijadikan semangat ajalah yaaaa... Semangat baru untuk tempat kerja baru, bisnis baru, rumah baru dan semuanya.. Semoga tahun ini diriku selalu dikelilingi oleh hal hal baik yang baru baru. Aminnnnnnnnnn :D

Good Night :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Cihuyy.. personal status bbm gue countdown nya gak berasa tinggal 18 hari lagi.. Deg deg an? ya gitu deh. yang pasti waktu berasaaaa cepetttt bangett.. Alhamdullilah hal hal yang sempat mengganggu di tengah persiapan seperti masalah dengan catering Bu Tian dan lain lainnya satu persatu di mudahkan oleh Allah SWT. Semogaaaa dilancarkan sampe selesai acara. Amiinnnnnnnnnnnn
Markitlist apa saja yang sudah oke..
1. Catering : Beralih ke Fenania Catering sudah test food juga dan liat dekornya oke semua.
2. Seragam Keluarga : Alhamdullilah tinggal bayar tukang jahit ajah. Hehehe
3. Baju Pengantin : Kemaren last fitting di Sanggar Rizky Kusumo rekanan catering dan Insya Allah mantap milih baju yang "itu". Hihi
4. Seserahan : Hmm.. tinggal baju pesta aja sih ngambil di Rani lalu di bungkus sama Ibu camer.
5. Rias Pengantin : Yaaa... percayakan sajalah dari sanggar rekanan. No budget buat sewa tukang rias lagi. Hahaha
6. Mahar : Belom dapet tempat naro maharnya.. Hihi
7. Cincin Kawin : Bara sempet kesel banget sama Toko Kaliem gara gara harga Palladium yang kemaren dibeli kemahalan. Hihi... Ikhlaskan saja ya sayang, kan di beli buat sekali seumur hidup :D
6. Souvenir : Yay, kemaren sempet miscommunication nih antara pihak pengirim sama kurirnya. Hampir aja gue ngeluarin 200rb buat nambah biaya tak terduga nya, Fyuh... tapi untungnya ga jadi walaupun pada akhirnya kita harus ngambil barang itu sendiri ke kantor kurirnya di Serpong :D Alhamdullilaah..
8. Wedding Invitation : Sudah jadi, Tinggal disebar.
9. Ke-Panitia an : Sudah sempet meeting 1 kali tapi belom BIG DEAL
10. Rundown acara : Buat sendiri dan masih bolak balik revisi. Semoga 1 minggu sebelum acara udah fix deh. Amin
11. Penghulu : Seminggu sebelum acara baru tau nama penghulunya.
12. Fisik calon pengantin : Kecapean, kurang istirahat, dan semakin kurus. Hahaha..
13. Bulan Madu : Belom di rencanakan sama sekali. tapi buat menghibur diri, kalau ditanya orang aku selalu jawab abis lebaran. Haha.
14. PreWed : Gak ada..
Pokoknya semua ini adalah hasil kerja keras Otak & Kantong kita berdua. So, apapun hasilnya kita bersyukur banget bisa buat acara ini sendiri tanpa ngerepotin pihak keluarga. Yaa, walaupun tidak ada satupun yang sempurna (terbukti undangan ada beberapa ketikan yang kurang) tapi di syukuri dan positive thinking aja. Walauuu jugaa, semakin hari semakin adaa ajaa perbedaan perbedaan keinginan untuk jalannya acara, tapi yaa di Wajarkan sajalah.. yang nikah kan bukan cuma antara aku dan dia. tapi juga Keluargaku dan Keluarganya. Berbeda itu biasa kaaannn.. :D 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bacaan yang tertunda

Ini bukan tentang sinopsis buku. Ini tentang kebiasaan. Hehe. Kebiasaan buruk saya dalam membaca buku adalah menyisakan beberapa halaman ketika saya sudah bisa menebak jalan cerita/gambaran tentang apa yang dibahas buku tersebut. Lalu saya beralih ke buku baru, dan buku itu pun saya perlakukan sama! Hahaha. 
Beberapa bulan lalu saya beli buku John Gray "Why Mars & Venus Collide" dan bukunya Sophie Kinsella yang Shopaholic ties the knoot. Sebenernya waktu itu saya mulai baca buku John Gray duluan karena udah penasaran tentang apa yang dibahas, tapi belum juga nyampe setengah buku, Bukunya si Sophie seperti menggodaku untuk segera menyentuhnya, Daannn akhirnya aku pun berpaling dari si John Gray untuk baca buku si Mrs. Bloomwood itu daan Eng ing eng... selesaaiii kurang dari seminggu aja lhoo. Hahaha.. Mungkin karena bahasanya si Sophie Kinsella itu emang asik dan mudah dipahami kali yah, jadi si pembaca sendiri gak terlalu "mikir" buat bacanya. Hihi.. selain itu kisahnya juga emang selalu menarik sih , sekali kali beli buku english version nya ah. Yap, lalu sekarang (lupa brp bulan tepatnya) saya menemukan buku si John Gray ini bersama selipan pembatas buku didalamnya, Huwaaaaaaaa! buku ini belom selesai gue baca yah X___X *tepok jidat*

Oke, berikut ini adalah buku buku yang sedang saya "madu" :

The lost symbol.. Oh.. sepertinya ini sudah masuk hitungan bulan yah. Aduh payah ah gue! Ya ampunn.. buku "Monyet aja bisa cari duit" itu padahal tinggal beberapa lembar doank deh.. Dan satu lagi buku pinjeman Bu Anti "Sukses Mulia", Hmmm... PR deh nih buat di khatamin. But overall, ke-4 buku ini layak banget buat dibaca.. Isinya cerdas dan informatif. Oke deh, Semangat Membacaaaa. xoxo